9/11 - did it happen the way they told us?

We hear people say don't believe everything your read and indeed this is true. In fact, don't believe everything you hear on the radio or see on TV either. In brief, they are brainwashing the sheeple so its up to us to filter the rubbish.
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9/11 - did it happen the way they told us?

Post by Wax »

9/11 - did it happen the way they told us?

After watching so many Youtube videos recently, I am convinced that 9/11 was an inside job.
There are too many experts that say the Twin Towers collapsed through a controlled demolition process.
Too many aviation experts say the planes were not even commercial aeroplanes but military ones flown without a pilot.

I now believe that those planes were flown into the buildings deliberately to make the public think it was a terrorist attack. The reason was so that America could invade Iraq with the blessing off everyone who the American government managed to convince. It's all about money and oil.

I post this video but there are far too many for you to watch on youtube - absolutely loads.
Watch as many as you can and you will also come to the same conclusion as me - that I am sure!

Here is a video about the collapse of the World Trade Centre Building 7.
This is the forgotten bit of September 11.
Make your own mind up!

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Re: 9/11 - did it happen the way they told us?

Post by Freeman Bob »

George Bush was told that America was under attack on 9/11 while he was sitting in a school classroom.
The most powerful man on Earth did nothing.
He gave no orders - nothing.
Remember, this was the second plane to hit the other tower!
The first one could have been an accident, however unlikely, but not when the second tower was hit.
Bush never said a word, America under attack should have meant DEFCON should have went down to 1 meaning a severe situation.
The inaction of George Bush suggests he knew something beforehand IMHO.
Here is a decent video showing his reactions to being told that the second Twin Tower was hit.

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Re: 9/11 - did it happen the way they told us?

Post by Jed »

Wax wrote:I am convinced that 9/11 was an inside job.

I am free and they will not tell me otherwise :angel:
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