Birth Registration in the UK

The birth certificate is your legal entity. The fact that you have one means you are a possession of someone else - your strawman! It is not you, but you can connect with it at any time to get benefits from the society you think you belong to.
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Birth Registration in the UK

Post by Mila »


I am requiring more knowledge on choosing not to register my babies birth, if this can be done and how I can still access education and health care for my child. I am aware there are fines however, I believe as a parent I have the right to choose to register my child and I fear if I do then my child is no longer a freeman.

If there is anyone who has not registered their child in the UK and has managed to raise them and still access certain services I would be very happy to hear about your experiences. :)
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Re: Birth Registration in the UK

Post by Milkman »

When you register something like your house or car, you are basically giving it away - possibly to the crown.
However, you do get a certificate back from them which entitles you to use that which you register - very nice of them.

When you register your child, you are also giving that child away.
Because they now own what you register, they can stop you using them when they want, in other words, they can take them off you.

You don't have to register the birth of your baby if you don't want to 'give it away'.
They will threaten you with a fine but you can't be fined unless they take you to court.

From what I understand, they will keep up the pressure for a while but then they will stop.
They can't force you to sign anything you don't want.

As for accessing services should you not register the child and get a birth certificate for him/her, I don't know.
I have yet to come across anyone who has not registered their baby.
This is a very interesting question and I would also like to find the answer to it.
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Re: Birth Registration in the UK

Post by Rodders »

Good luck with this one.
This is my own opinion but without registering the child there is no real record of it.
Without records they may say that they are not a British citizen and as such can't access the services.
Obviously they will need to ensure access to medical services and possibly education.
Just how the child would get benefits later in life or a pension God only knows.
I heard through the grapevine that someone didn't register their baby and could access all services as normal but I never confirmed that.

Also, I would like to hear if you can deregister a baby as well.
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Re: Birth Registration in the UK

Post by Jed »

This could be interesting :thumbup:
I am free and they will not tell me otherwise :angel:
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Re: Birth Registration in the UK

Post by Top Cat »

Would they really bar someone from services who does not have a birth certificate?
Would they charge them for all services they use while we get many for free?
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