Police Force

We all need an effective police force that should be there to protect us under the Common Law. But the police are not doing their job properly. They have evolved over the years and many coppers are nothing more than tax collectors, and in some cases, a killing machine!

We begin this section by telling you that the police swear an oath when take up their role. We publish their oath of office below, so read it carefully because we will refer to it later on.

Police Oath

I, … of … do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

Old police force and modern policing - then and now - when did this become this?

Upholding The Law

So, from the oath that they stand under, they do their job ‘according to law’. We can see in the Lawful v Legal page that there are two types of law. So, what laws are they acknowledging? Well, it is the Common Law, of course. So, this means that the police can step in when Harm, Loss, Fraud or Breach of the Peace has occurred. For example, if another human being harms you, the police can step in. After all, they stand under the oath … according to law.

This is absolutely fine because it’s what we want them to do, and we pay their wages to do this. In our Lawful v Legal section, you will also notice that Legal Matters are not the law unless you consent. This is why the police don’t have any involvement in trespass, for example. This is because trespass is a civil matter. However, they will become involved with the trespass incident should someone break the Common Law at the same time.

Also remember this, if the police try and take part in a civil dispute when they shouldn’t, they are acting outside their oath of office. So, the best thing to do in a civil matter is to stay calm. This is because you don’t want to breach anyone’s peace and allow police involvement.

Fundamental Human Rights

Part of the police’s oath of office is to uphold your Fundamental Human Rights, but what does this mean? Well, you have inalienable rights from the moment you are born. These are God-given rights that can’t be taken away from you at any time. Therefore, get to know what your rights are and ensure the police understand that you know them. Indeed, there is a difference between your inalienable rights and legal rights.

Obviously your inalienable rights allow you to defend yourself, allow you freedom of speech and freedom to associate etc. So, you must keep your rights intact at all times. If the police offer you some rights, just say thanks, but I have my own.

If the police offer you anything, you should really decline it because you might start the process of joinder. This could also mean an acceptance that they are in charge of you. Once they have this joinder with you, it’s part of the process that will suck you into their laws. Indeed, you may have given up some of your rights upon acceptance, this includes their offer of extra blankets in the cells or even a cup of tea.

Three Golden Rules

There are three golden rules when you come into contact with the police force. They are, of course, say nothing, say nothing and above all, say nothing. If they arrest you, they will tell you this, ” you do not have to say anything ….” So it’s important that you take their advice. Indeed, it’s the only good thing they will say to you. Moreover, the police are never off duty. So, it’s best to stay clear of them all the time, not even to ask directions!

Always question the police - they are powerless

Talk to the police with questions

If you must say something to the police, always reply to them with a question. For example, ‘am I under obligation to answer that’? You can learn how to do this by remembering the following. When you ask questions, you are doing so AS KING. So, when they ask you questions, they are trying to be above you AS KING.

Public Servants

Just to point out that the police are only public servants. Therefore, you are the master/mistress and they are the servant to YOU. So, you have your inalienable rights and are above the public servants. However, they will always try and stand above you. For example, in the above paragraph, they will ask questions AS KING. So, you do this back to them.

Then they will always use the words ‘do you understand’? You should NEVER say yes to that question. Once you do, you are UNDER STANDING them. In other words, you STAND UNDER them, and now they are not public servants any more. Indeed, the word understand is a legal term, as in legalese, and now they stand above you.

So, again if you must speak to them, say I comprehend what you are saying. But, best take notice of the Three Golder Rules above. Just remember to stay in control at all times, because the master tells the servant what to do, not the other way around!

Don’t Obstruct The Police Force

Should the police detain you or be sniffing about, let them know that you understand your rights. However, it is unwise to obstruct them. This is because the boys in blue and the butch women with batons just love to arrest you for this. You may not like them searching you, but if you resist, they will have you. Just tell them that you are not a violent person and that you don’t consent to their behaviour. Also say that you will not resist, but may look for remedy at a later date.

When the police touch you for no apparent reason, it is an assault and you can do them for it. Indeed, they are violating you when this happens. This is the meaning of the word violate – RAPE! And they enjoy doing it, of course.

I'm a victim of police brutality - know your rights!

Most police are brutal by nature so be careful

Police Force – Authority?

In effect, the police have little authority over us. However, they can and do violate you as we see above and they can kidnap you (locking you up). Since you don’t have to say anything to them, all they can do is gather evidence against you to see if they can get a conviction. In other words, they want a feather in their cap, then allow the courts to fleece you of your money. All in all, their ‘power’ is very little, especially if you know your rights!

Your Name

If the police ask you for your name, just remember the Three Golden Rules above. In other words, you don’t have to say anything to them at any time – period. However, if they have reasonable suspicion that you are responsible for a crime (Common Law), then they have the right to detain you until they check who you are.

Police Stop And Search

In all cases where the police stop you, get out your mobile phone and record everything. In fact, tell them to record everything as well. You need to record them from start to finish, ignoring their requests for you to stop filming.

If the police stop you for no apparent reason, maybe you have the ‘wrong’ attire or are taking photographs etc., the Three Golden Rules should kick in. However, if you are confident enough, you could talk to them AS KING. You don’t have to give them your name.

Police stop and search powers - searching man's pockets
But, they MUST give you their name, number and what police station they work from when you ask.

Once you know their identity, you could ask, ‘do you reasonably suspect that I have hurt anyone or stole anything’? You could also ask, ‘do you suspect me of breaching anyone’s peace’ or ‘have I been mischievous in my agreements’. By doing this you are covering the Common Law which they are upholding. If the answer to those questions is no, then ask for the reasons why they are stopping you.

They must uphold the Common Law of course, so ask them whether they are acting under their oath. You are recording them so they better had be!

Remembering the Three Golden Rules or asking (AS KING), you could keep repeating, ‘am I free to go or are you detaining me’? Do this over and over, and if they are not detaining you, walk away, of course. Don’t allow the police to force you into doing anything that is not right and proper!


Should the police force not be upholding Common Law when they stop you, they may breaking the law themselves and you can seek remedy for intimidation etc. You can also seek remedy for wrongful arrest or unlawful imprisonment should they detain you if you have not broke the Common Law. Can you sue the police force? Yes you can, and you must!

In effect, by locking you up for reasons outside the Common Law, it is kidnap. You MUST seek remedy afterwards, and many people do, this is more common than you think.

At the station, you must remember the Three Golden Rules of course. Indeed, they can only hold you for so long before they have to let you go. The more time they hold you, the more compensation you can claim. So, if you can afford the time, continue to remain silent. You don’t have to supply them with your fingerprints, photograph or DNA.

Tell them that you don’t consent all of the time. Anything that the police force you to do should be under duress and make this clear to them. You also want a recording of all your time at the station.

In all cases where the police force poke their snout in, don’t obstruct them (see above). However, you could say that you are a peaceful person and you will go along with them but, again, under duress.

Time In The Police Cells

Your time spent in the police cells should be all about you conditioning your mind and NOT worrying. You mind will be working overtime of course, but eventually they will have to let you go. They will try and interview you at the police station, but remember, you have the Three Golden Rules to keep hold of. In other words, you DO NOT have to give them an interview.

Your Signature

At all times, you do not have to sign anything either, how could the police possibly force you to do this? However, if you do sign anything that you disagree with, ensure that you add the words, ‘signed under force and duress’. Don’t say thank you or goodbye – nothing!

Police Tactics

They WILL try and play another game with you, for example, the friendly copper. They might try and speak to you nicely so that you think they are your friend, but they won’t ever be your friend. Of course, they may play the tough copper and threaten you with this, that and the other. In fact, they may even say things like ‘if you confess now the judge will be more lenient’, etc.

Whatever tactics the police use, that is all they are, tactics in order to coerce you into saying something. Remember, they will tell you at the time of arrest, ‘IF YOU SAY ANYTHING, IT MAY BE USED AGAINST YOU’. So, if tell them ANYTHING they WILL use it against you, now how silly is that!

The police are not judges or magistrates and you are not guilty of anything until a court says so. Therefore, anything you do say should be in court and NOT to the police – HAVE YOU GOT THIS?

Police Corporations

If you read the information about the Straw Man, you will realise that everything is corporations. The police are a corporation and your title of Mr/Mrs makes you a corporation and ready to do business with them. However, if the police were to stand under their oath, they would be humans upholding the Common Law only. With this in mind, asking them questions and keeping them under oath is the key, if you are confident enough.

Police car livery - their cop car corporate identity

Police force training nowadays has enslaved them to help keep us as slaves. Indeed, we need to get back to a state where we have only Common Law as the prevailing law. It’s a fact that the police have a high turnover rate, many are unhappy and want to leave their jobs. This is because they became a police officer to help keep law and order, not to impose Maritime Law on us.

So, the police force is a corporation and the policemen and women are imposing their company policy on you. This is why we refer to them as Policy Men and Policy Women. But, once you realise that the police have very little authority, you can reject their company policy. You don’t have to live in fear of their uniforms or false authority, but you can if you want to!

Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

You have stood under the Three Golden Rules throughout, and of course, been compliant under duress. The police will have to let you go unless they believe that they have enough evidence to detain you further, for a court hearing perhaps. However, in most cases they will have to let you go.

If they have very little evidence, and they will have very little because you have kept your mouth shut, you will be free to leave the police station and that’s the end of that. But it isn’t really, because you now need to seek remedy. After all, they can’t get away with kidnap.

However, if they believe you have broke the Common Law, they will present their evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service. The CPS will decide whether there is enough evidence to take you to court or if it is in the public interest to do so. We did say the police have little authority over you!

Revenue Collectors

When the police force are not upholding the law (Common Law), they may do the duties of a revenue collector. In other words, they will act when they shouldn’t, with the aim of taking money from you. Indeed they will try and get a successful prosecution outside of the Common Law. Of course, they are acting outside their oath while doing so. However, they will do this without understanding the Common Law. But, who knows, maybe some get a kick out of doing it.

They, and many of us, accept this type of behaviour, by wrongly believing that they authority to act in this manner. Of course they don’t, and it’s up to us to dictate the law to them when they forget it. In fact, if they do anything wrong, take THEM to court.


Just to point out that when bailiffs call at your home, the police shouldn’t come with them. This is because in most cases, it will be civil matter. However, if they do turn up, you could quote them their oath, ‘(will) prevent all offences against people and property’. When, bailiffs are threatening to break into your home, is this not an offence against property AND a breach of the peace?

Just remember that the police only turn up to prevent a breach of the peace, they will NOT be on the side of the bailiffs. If the police come with the bailiffs, before the Common Law is broke, then it needs investigating why.

To Sum Up

The police are there to serve and protect you of course. Therefore, get to know your rights and keep above them at all times. However, the police don’t understand the law in most cases. So, you need to stay ahead of the game to keep them in check. Above all, question everything they do to you and ensure that they are acting Lawfully.

The Freeman Movement is NOT anti-police of course. In fact, we are pro-police. Indeed, we just want them to stand under their oath at all times and stop being revenue collectors. Only then will we have proper policing, period!

Finally, The Freedom Movement does not offer legal advice even if you think we imply it. This is because it is the writer who has the rights over their own articles.

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Get to know your rights before talking to the police

Get to know your rights before talking to the police!

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3 Responses to Police Force

  1. RUBEN says:

    Buenos dias, me siento agraciado de haber encontrado un sitio como éste.., obtuve respuestas a todas las disyuntivas que venían frenando el devenir de mi vida.., muchas gracias, nos comunicamos, saludos cordiales!!

  2. Simon Millington says:

    I want to learn more about these topics to educate my son

  3. Murray says:

    Can anyone help with information to undo the property tax roll?

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